Whether you have back pain, neck pain, or any other pain that’s affecting your musculoskeletal system, you should always feel confident that you’re in good hands every time you visit your trusted chiropractor.

Since chiropractic care falls outside the umbrella of  “traditional medicine,” some misconceptions surrounding chiropractic treatment exist. Your providers at True North Chiropractic would like to debunk three common myths surrounding chiropractic adjustments.

Chiropractic Adjustment Myth #1: You Need a Referral to See a Chiropractor

You do not need a referral to receive care from a chiropractor. You are welcome to schedule an appointment at True North Chiropractic any time you need a chiropractic adjustment. We prioritize your wellness and can develop a treatment plan that fits your needs.

Chiropractic Adjustment Myth #2: Only Adults Should See a Chiropractor

CerebralPalsy.org writes that “chiropractic care . . . is becoming a sought-after remedy for pain management for children and adults, alike.” They also share that chiropractic care can be helpful for children diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy: “A handful of studies indicates that children that underwent spinal manipulation could sit and stand with more ease. Also, the studies indicated that some children became more active, digested food more efficiently, slept more peacefully, and enjoyed improved coordination after undergoing chiropractic care.” Talk to your chiropractor about the pain relief and wellness they can offer your child through chiropractic adjustment.

Chiropractic Adjustment Myth #3: Chiropractic Care is Just For Back Pain

Chiropractors are commonly associated with spinal alignment, but adjustments actually include areas of the body including legs, arms, and the face–even the ears! Chiropractic adjustments can help with a wide range of ailments, supporting the immune system, relieving muscle pain/stiffness, balancing hormones, and even helping with emotional and behavioral issues.

Prioritize Your Health and Wellness: Schedule a Chiropractic Adjustment Today!

Our team at True North Chiropractic would be happy to welcome you or your child into our office at 4151 Shrestha Drive, Suite A, in Bay City. Dr. Brian Hall will do everything he can to promote your health and wellness! To schedule an appointment, please use our easy online scheduling tool or call our office at 989-686-4609.