How many times have you either been told, or told other people to ‘sit up straight?’ Are there really consequences to poor posture?

Problems Caused by Poor Posture

Dr. Roger Sperry, a Nobel Prize winner for his research on the human brain, said, “The more mechanically distorted a person is, the less energy is available for thinking, metabolism and healing.”

Those who slouch often will be at an increased risk for neck and back pain, and also experience restricted breathing and a lesser ability to concentrate. These risks are further increased by people who spend a lot of time sitting without taking time to get up and move occasionally. Slouching or sitting in a bad ergonomic position reduces lung capacity by up to 30%, and by decreasing the amount of oxygen the brain receives, the ability to concentrate is also lessened. Those who practice proper posture allow more oxygen to each organ in the body and experience an increase in overall energy.

Do you often find yourself feeling tired? This can also be related to improper posture, as poor posture shifts weight bearing abilities normally handled by the spine to muscles, ligaments and tendons that are not designed to carry this stress. The extra weight placed on these areas can lead to permanent changes to the spine as it constricts blood vessels and nerves leading to chronic pain.

Make the Change to Proper Posture

Studies have proven that proper posture increases self confidence and helps those suffering from depression feel more like themselves. Improve your posture by practicing these tips:

  • Keep your chin parallel to the floor. If you spend time crouched over a computer or other electronic device, it throws off your spinal alignment and can cause the amount of head weight carried by your spine to double. Take your eyes off the screen and focus on keeping your chin parallel to the floor to reduce stress on the body.
  • Draw a straight line. You don’t have to be an artist for this task! When practicing proper posture, draw a straight line from the earlobe to the shoulder, down through the hip, knee and mid ankle.
  • Choose your chair wisely. Those who work desk jobs or spend a lot of time sitting throughout the day will benefit from an ergonomically designed chair that specifically supports the lower back. Even with this change, it is important to get up and move throughout the day.
  • Exercise. Strengthening the core muscles helps to improve overall posture.
  • Incorporate chiropractic visits into your life. Regular visits to a chiropractor will help your spinal alignment, reduce pain and help you understand the effects poor posture has on your body.

To learn more about poor posture and how it affects your overall health, call Dr. Knight for a free screening today!