With the start of a new year, put yourself first with the goal of getting healthy! It’s easy to think about everything else on your to-do list, but at the top must be YOU. It’s harder to make healthy decisions when stress is driving your actions. It’s time for YOU. Here’s how:

Schedule Time for Yourself

That’s right. Put yourself into your calendar. Schedule time to read a book, exercise, relax, or do anything that makes you happy. If someone tries to schedule something during your allotted you time, remember you’re already booked focusing on yourself, even if it’s just for a few moments. Don’t forget to let voicemail take your calls and ignore your electronic devices.

Assess Your To-Do List

Prioritize your daily and weekly to-do list. See anything that isn’t really essential? Perhaps you are doing something on that list because it’s something you think “ought” to be done. We are giving you permission right now to completely remove those things from your list – guilt free. Really determine what is important to you and put those items at the forefront of your list and remove tasks that are unessential.

Set Smaller Goals for Becoming Healthier

Jump start the new year by setting smaller, realistic goals to put you and your health first. Aspiring to getting healthier in 2017 isn’t going to cut it; break it down into smaller bites by thinking about what you’d like to accomplish.

Want to climb more stairs without feeling out of breath? Walk an extra 10 minutes a day. Want to lose a few pounds? Start by giving up sugary drinks and trade out that cookie for carrots. Want to eat healthier? Schedule your meals and snacks each week, filling your pantry with simple and healthy items so they are always on hand.

Get Your Recommended Health Screenings and Manage Painful Conditions

Stay up-to-date on your health screenings and don’t wait for any painful conditions to worsen. Make it a point to put yourself first and take the time to get help. Dr. Knight can help you move and feel better. Don’t wait. Call and schedule an appointment today!