Welcome to 2017! This year we will do better, right? This year we will finally sign up for that class, volunteer more, lose those extra pounds, read more, spend more time with family, learn Spanish, play the guitar, organize the sock drawer… the list can go on and on. I think it’s safe to say that we typically start each year with the best intentions, but, old habits die hard and we slip back into familiar routines. We aren’t saying that setting goals is a waste of time. Not at all! We simply invite you to set a goal that can really make a difference for you and those around you in the coming year. Why not pamper yourself with a customized, regular Chiropractic Program? The method is simple yet the benefits of such a plan can be far reaching and profound!

Why Chiropractic? Here are some potential benefits…

  • Pain Management – Aligning your spine and the connected nerves can lessen and alleviate pain.
  • Boost Immune Function – Autonomic nervous system activation may lead to altered immune response.
  • Reduce Inflammation – Autonomic nervous system activation may also lead to altered inflammatory response.
  • Reduce Blood Pressure – Having the proper balance in your body’s systems can have a great effect on stress-which can reduce blood pressure.
  • Increase Balance – Regular chiropractic care can provide proper positioning of the musculoskeletal system, giving you better all around alignment.

And much, much more!

Besides the possible benefits listed above, regular chiropractic care just makes you feel good and strong, ready for whatever the year has to bring! Dr. Knight is there for you to be your wellness specialist for a complete wellness picture. Call now and schedule an appointment with Dr. Knight at True North Chiropractic. Together, you can come up with a real plan for the new year that can have far reaching benefits – benefits that, we are certain, will make your year healthier, happier, and better than organizing your sock drawer ever could! Happy New Year!