Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder – “CHADD” for short- is a non profit organization dedicated to educating, supporting and advocating those who are affected by ADHD. CHADD of Utah holds monthly meetings and support groups where parents and family members have the opportunity to learn more about how to help their loved one. This month, Dr. Knight had the honor of addressing the group about the benefits chiropractic care has on children suffering from ADHD/ADD.

How Can Chiropractic Help?

Dr. Knight was pleased to address the group, and give them information about chiropractic treatments and the affect they can have on children with ADD/ADHD. His lecture covered:

  • How different stressors can exacerbate symptoms experienced by those with ADD/ADHD
  • How specific Chiropractic adjustments can improve focus, sleep, behavior, and irritability
  • The importance of nutrition, specifically increasing alkaline minerals, and avoiding processed sugars
  • Providing another option for families looking for hope and freedom from the challenges associated with ADHD/ADD

Get to Know CHADD

If you or a loved one suffers from ADD/ADHD symptoms, CHADD may be just the thing you need. The local Utah chapter offers support groups, part to parent training opportunities, and annual conferences for those interested in learning more about AD/HD. Their website, is a resource rich site dedicated to helping others learn more and understand ADHD. Whether you are a parent, teacher or community leader who knows someone who suffers with ADHD, CHADD has the resources you need to know how you can best help.

Dr. Knight and True North Chiropractic & Wellness Center were honored to be a part of this event and to be associated with CHADD. To learn more about how chiropractic treatments can help your loved one suffering from ADHD, call Dr. Knight to schedule your FREE screening today!