
From the weekend warrior to the Fittest Athletes in Utah, athletes of all levels count on Dr. Knight to keep them performing at their optimum levels, overcome imbalances, and avoid chronic pain. Through use of the AMIT method, Dr. Knight is able to help restore balance to the body, and avoid injury.

Recently, two of our athlete patients finished the CrossFit Games, and qualified to compete in the CrossFit Regionals that will be held in Dallas, Texas in May. Both of these patients, Adrian Conway and Tiffany Hendrickson, were also named the Fittest Athletes in Utah, and credit Dr. Knight for helping them achieve their success. We asked both of them to share their experiences preparing for regionals, and how Dr. Knight has played a role in helping them to get there.

Tiffany Hendrickson- Fittest Woman in Utah

When I was asked what I am doing to prepare for CrossFit Regionals this year, I realized this will be my 5th year competing! My preparation has changed over the years as I’ve developed as an athlete. Currently, I train 5 days a week for 2-4 hours a day, but only within the last 3 weeks have I started taking on the 4 hour doubles (2 hours for my am session then 2 in the pm).

The older I get I realize how important it is for me to train smarter not harder. I also believe in the importance of having body work done as my volume increases. Working with a massage therapist and receiving chiropractic treatments from Dr. Knight has kept me healthy, and injury free throughout my season!

Just a few weeks ago I was traveling a lot for work, and in that same week the qualifying workout had a large amount of dead lifts in it. My training sessions were heavy and the combination of sitting for long hours and all the heavy pulling and squatting caused my back to lock up. I couldn’t sit or stand without a great deal of pain. Dr. Knight was able to get me in right away and was able to make the necessary adjustments to get me moving without pain again. In fact, by the end of my visit I was already in less pain. As a competitive athlete this was critical for me in order to be able to finish the open workouts in good standing.

I credit much of my success to Dr. Knight’s knowledge and experience in his practice that has kept me healthy and strong, and helped me achieve my title as fittest woman in Utah!

Adrian Conway- Fittest Man in Utah

I’ve been working with Dr. Knight for 2 years now. I started to see him due to an injured shoulder (torn rotator cuff) that I wanted to avoid having surgery on. Since the first session, we have prioritized my shoulder health by keeping the muscles around my injury functioning at full capacity. As a competitive CrossFitter, my body goes through the ringer on a regular basis just from what I ask of it in day-to-day training, so Dr. Knight’s treatment and adjustments have helped me stay healthy and optimize my performance in the gym. In preparation for regionals I see Dr. Knight once a week to help me sustain my training load without injury. Overall the treatments help me stay balanced and functioning at full capacity, and in a sport where each day missed from training is a day you are behind your competition, I’m grateful for what it brings to my performance.

This is the second year that I am fortunate enough to call myself the “Fittest Man in Utah,” and I surely enjoy the title. I think it is something really fun to get to chase, but it is far from my goal. The ultimate goal each year is to chase that title on a larger scale of “Fittest on Earth.” Fittest in the state is surely a step of the journey, but I won’t get a chance to appreciate it until the season is complete! I suppose for the time… it’s a really cool title to go by.

We are proud of both Adrian and Tiffany, and wish them luck in their regional competitions!