Have you ever noticed that your knuckles seem to ache a bit more when it’s cold outside or when the weather is about to change? You’re not imagining it – there’s a physiological connection between seasonal changes and joint pain. Intrigued?...
During the Covid pandemic of 2020 when orthopedic surgeons were considered nonessential and no surgeons were performing knee surgeries at the time, we had multiple patients who were scheduled to receive knee surgery, but could not. One, in particular, dealt with...
If you’ve started to feel a little like a stiff-legged Frankenstein walking around with sciatic nerve pain, then maybe it’s time to get to the root of your pain before you start getting mistaken for the real deal amongst all of the other costumed Halloweeners this...
Ensuring your diet is all-natural and organic is all the rage now, so kudos if you’ve made that shift in your life. Next up, all-natural health care. Think about it — traditional medicine using over-the-counter pain relievers, prescribed medications, and surgeries...
You’re spending so much time slouching your way through life, you can’t hear your body pleading to halt your hunching tendencies toward painful joints and muscles. That’s right, your body’s had enough of your poor posture, so we’re speaking in behalf of your body with...
No, I’m not here to tell you to be careful not to injure your back while tackling your spring cleaning. You should be careful, but that’s not the point. I’m here to show you how you can look at achieving deep back pain relief like you look at completing various levels...